Anne Winston-Allen
Professor of German Studies and Chair (Emerita)

German language and culture (specialization: medieval studies). Currently I am working on an index of 154 manuscripts illuminated by women in the Middle Ages (soon to be posted on the web). This project is funded by an Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Trans-Coop Grant (2008-2010) and sponsored by AGFEM (Arbeitsgruppe geistliche Frauengemeinschaften im europaeischen Mittelalter / Working Group on Women in Religious Communities of the European Middle Ages). AGFEM Trans-Coop Grant partners are: Prof. Sigrid Schmitt (University of Trier), Prof. Gisela Muschiol (University of Bonn), and Prof. Alison Beach (University of Koeln/Cologne).
Contact: [email protected]
Department of Foreign Language and Literatures
Mail Code 4521
Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, Illinois 62901-4521
Contact: [email protected]
Department of Foreign Language and Literatures
Mail Code 4521
Southern Illinois University,
Carbondale, Illinois 62901-4521