[2008-2010] "Repertorium of Manuscripts Illuminated by Women in Religious Communities of the Middle Ages" sponsored by AGFEM: Arbeitsgruppe geistliche Frauengemeinschaften im europaeischen Mittelalter (Working Group on women Religious in the European Middle Ages.) This web-site is password protected. But the password is available to AGFEM members. Or email me at [email protected]) www.agfem-art.com.
Anne Winston-Allen (AbbreviatedVita) Professor and Chair (Emerita): Department of Foreign Languages & Literatures Mail Code 4521 Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA ([email protected])
PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE (Most Recent) 2007-2012 Professor – Southern Illinois University, Carbondale 2006-2012 Department Chair 1998-2007 Associate Professor – Southern Illinois University 1994-98 Assistant Professor – Southern Illinois University 1991, 1992-23Lecturer - Southern Illinois University 1986-1991 Associate Professor, Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma 1980-1985 Assistant Professor, Phillips University, Enid, Oklahoma
GRANTS AND AWARDS (Selected): Alexander von Humboldt TransCoop Grant: “Women’s Religious Communities in the European Middle Ages” (international cooperative project). Principal Investigators: Gisela Muschiol, University of Bonn; Sigrid Schmitt, University of Trier, Alison Beach, University of Köln; Anne Winston-Allen, SIUC, January 2008 – December 2010
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft travel support to “Frauen – Kloster – Kunst: NeueForschungen zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters” internationalcolloquium sponsored by the University of Erlangen, University of Göttingen, and Ruhrlandmuseum Essen, May 13-16, 2005.
D.A.A.D. Summer Research Fellowship for “Women Writing about Reform: Activists on the Eve of the Reformation,” Preussische Staatsbibliothek Berlin, June 1999
National Endowment for the Humanities and Oklahoma Council for the Humanities research grant for "Evidence for a Fourteenth-Century Origin of the Rosary: German Vernacular Texts," 1991
Mellon Foundation Summer Fellowship, Rice University Faculty Workshop, 1982 "Comparative Literature: Problems and Approaches"
Convent Chronicles: Women Writing about Women and Reform in the Late Middle Ages.University Park, PA: Pennsylvania State University Press, 2004 (hardcover edition.Paperback edition issued 2005)
Stories of the Rose: The Making of the Rosary in the Middle Ages. University Park, PA.: Penn State Press, 1997 (four hardcover printings.Reissued as a paperback 2005)
”What is Being Illustrated? Case Study of a 'Revised' St. Agnes Vita in the Earliest German Translation of the Legenda Aurea (1362)." Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures (in press).
“Orality and Textuality: The Alexius Legend and the Brothers Grimm.” Neophilologus, 103.1 (2019): 99-114(with Mary A. Bricker).
“Making Manuscripts as Political Engagement by Women in the Fifteenth-Century Observant Reform Movement.” Journal of Medieval Religious Cultures 42.2 (2016): 224-247.
“Genre and Genre in Book Illustration?”Manuscripta 53 (2009): 213-237.
"Gardens of Heavenly and Earthly Delight: Medieval Gardens of the Imagination." Neuphilologische Mitteilungen99 (1998): 83-92.
“‘Rosarium’ Revisited: The Name of the Prayer.” The Month 259 (1998): 13-17.
"Goswijn van der Weyden, Geertgen tot Sint Jans, and Albrecht Dürer: Reading the Signs in Pictures and Texts of the Rosary Brotherhood," The American Journal of Semiotics 12 (1995): 75-98.
"Tracing the Origins of the Rosary: German Vernacular Texts." Speculum 68 (1993): 619-36.
"Using the 'Tractatus de crudelitate mortis' to Interpret the Ackermann" Daphnis: Zeitschrift für Mittlere Deutsche Literatur 18 (1989): 369-90.
“The Observant Reform versus the Reformation: Women’s Scriptoria, Books and the Resistance.” In Geistliche Frauen in der Reformation, edited by Sigrid Hirbodian, Agnes Schormann, and Tabea Schäuble, Tübingen (Tübinger Bausteine zur Landesgeschichte. Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landesgeschichte, forthcoming 2021)
“Women as Scribes and Illustrators in the Age of Reform:The Basel Connection.” In Raum und Medium. Literatur und Kultur in Basel in Spätmittelalter und FrüherNeuzeit. [Space and Medium: Literatur and Culture in Basel in the Late Middle Agnes and Early Modern Period], edited by Johanna Thali and Nigel F. Palmer. Kulturtopographie des alemannischen Raums 9 (Berlin: De Gruyter, 2020), pp 177-200 and 534–539).
[Ann W. Astell and Anne Winston-Allen], "Griselda as Mary: Chaucer's Clerk's Tale and Alanus de Rupe's Marian Exemplum." in Writers, Editors and Exemplars in Medieval English Texts, edited by Sharon Rowley (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave MacMillan, 2020), pp. 43.78.
“‘Ein swester was vnder den von Syl, die konnte wollte textur schreiben und ouch molen.’ Magdalena Kremerin als Buchmalerin.” In Die Chronik der MagdalenaKremerin im interdisziplinären Dialog, edited by Sigrid Hirbodian and Petra Kurz (Schriften zur südwestdeutschen Landesgeschichte 76) Ostfildern:Thorbecke, 2016, 150-161..
“Outside the Mainstream:Women as Readers, Scribes, and Illustrators of Books in Convents of the German-Speaking Regions”In Nuns' Literacies in MedievalEurope: The Kansas City Dialogue,” edited by Virginia Blanton, Veronica, O’Mara, and Patricia Stoop. Turnhout: Brepols, 2015, 191-206..
"Networking in Medieval Strasbourg: Cross-Order Collaborations in Book Illustration among Women's Reformed Convents,"In Schreiben und Lesen in der Stadt, edited by Stephen Mossman, Nigel F. Palmer, Felix Heinzer, 197-212. Berlin: DeGruyter, 2012.
"Women in Monastic Orders.” In Gender and Fraternal Orders, 1300-2000, edited by Máire Cross, 52-62.Houndsmills, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010.
"'Nonnenmalerei’: Iconography in Convent Women’s Art of the Upper-Rhine Region.” In Beiträge zur Kulturtopographie des deutsch-sprachigen Südwestens im Spätmittelalter, edited by Barbara Fleith and René Wetzel, 141-156.Berlin: DeGruyter, 2009.
"'Es [ist] nit wol zu gelobind, daz ain frowen bild so wol kan arbaiten': Women's Accounts of Artistic Production and Exchange in Convents of the Observant Reform."In Frauen-Kloster-Kunst. Neue Forschungen zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters, edited by Jeffrey Hamburger, Carola Jaeggi, Susan Marti and Hedwig Rockelein, 187-195, 436-437, 490-491. Turnhout, Belgium: Brepols, 2007.
“Rewriting Women’s History: Johannes Meyer and the Fifteenth-Century Sisterbook.” In Medieval German Voices in the 21st Century, edited by Albrecht Classen. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1999, 145-154.
"'Maria im Rosenhag': Origins of the Literary Image."In New Texts, Methodologies, andInterpretations in Medieval German Literature, edited by Sibylle Jefferis, 253-265.Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1999.
"Johannes von Tepl." In German Writers of the Renaissance and Reformation, 1280-1580 in the series Dictionary of Literary Biography, edited by James Hardin and Max Reinhart, 287-92. Detroit, Mich.: Gale, 1997.
"Exempla in German Rosary Handbooks: Spirituality and "Self-Help" in Late Medieval Popular Piety."In Proceedings of the Patristic, Mediaeval, and Renaissance Studies Conference, vol. 18, edited by Thomas Losconcy, Joseph Schnaubelt, and Karl Gersbach, 25-34.Villanova: Augustinian Historical Institute, 1996.
"'Minne' in Spiritual Gardens of the Fifteenth Century." In Canon and Canon Transgression in Medieval German Literature, edited by Albrecht Classen, 153-63. Göppingen: Kümmerle, 1993.
"The Observant Reform."In Women and Gender in Medieval Europe, edited by Margaret Schaus, Susan Stuard, and Tom Izbicki. New York and London: Routledge, 2006,pp. 619-620.
"Medieval Gardens," "Johannes von Tepl," and "Rosary." In Medieval Germany: An Encyclopedia, edited by John Jeep, pp. 261-62, 416, 672-73.New York: Garland, 2001.
“Gebets- und Andachtsbuch ‘Ewiger Ursprung alles Guotes:’ Betrachtungen über das Leben und Leiden Christi.” In Macht des Wortes.Benediktinisches Mönchtum im Spiegel Europas. Exhibition Catalogue. Benediktinerabtei St. Paul im Lavanttal 26. April - 8 November, 2009, edited by Gerfried Sitar. Regensburg: Schnell and Steiner, 2009, 2:278; plate 17.16.